The world we knew years ago is not the same world we know today. A lot of things have changed, and technology is to blame. This technology era is affecting mainly millennials and Generation Z because they are the ones who are living in the moment. These two generations have a lot of things in common, and they are getting softer and softer as time goes on. Here is the list of 10 things young people need to avoid.
Avoid drinking at a very young age
There is nothing wrong with drinking a beer or two during off days or when you get off from work (if you have a legal drinking age). Statistically speaking, according to professor Jarosz, drunk people are more creative than sober people. However, when a person starts drinking at a young age will be more likely to make so many mistakes than he/or she might regret later on in life. We are going to talk about some of those mistakes as we go. So please bear with me to the end.
Avoid focusing on meaningless dating and relationships
There's nothing more beautiful than finding the person who loves you for who you are and connects with you at a high level. It is probably the best feeling in the world. However, one of the biggest reasons the divorce rate is high in the United States is that many people get into relationships just to get in. The saddest part is that people get into meaningless relationships to get easy access to sex and don't want to be lonely. Although, people tend to confuse the words lonely and being alone. Focusing on women or men in the name of exploiting and having fun will more likely hold you back one way or the other. I am not saying that you should be alone until the right person comes along. But choose wisely because you don't want to have unplanned kids, and in the worst-case scenario, you are more likely to catch some lifelong SDTs. So, watch who you date because your dating circle will tell you exactly who you are more likely to become in the future.
Not knowing how to be alone
Most people don't understand the power of being alone. Successful people understand that their best ideas come when they are alone. It is highly recommended that you learn how to be alone because it brings the reality of your true self. Once you master the art of being alone, it will teach you about your inner self, which will help you in many situations, such as hard times, and teach you how to work alone.
Not having a purpose in life
Having a purpose in life is the most important thing anyone should wish to have. A purpose comes in many forms. It could be going to the gym to lose that fat or get muscles, focusing on financial freedom, concentrating on getting that promotion you've been waiting for a long time, and more. In a few words, a purpose is that one thing that keeps you awake every night because you must get it done at any cost. For my younger stars out there, the benefit of having a purpose in life is that you attract the right people and where there is a purpose, money follows. Once you find your purpose, everything else will fall in line.
You only live once
Have you heard the word "YOLO"? This term came from the rapper Drake, referring to that people should enjoy their lives because they only live once. It is hard to argue with that statement because people have to live happy life. After all, life is too short. But at Bako Invest, we believe that people should avoid the YOLO term because we live every day but die once. We highly recommend focusing on putting your life together, becoming financially free, and then YOLO after. Let me ask you a question, would you instead work hard, become wealthy and then live your life, or would you rather YOLO for your whole life and die broke? That is the question you should answer for yourself because no one knows you like you do.
Not Investing Early on
Many people are poor, but we should blame the education system for it. The education system in the United States and worldwide teaches us that we must go to school, acquire massive student loans, work for the rest of our lives, and get nothing in retirement. The school system doesn't teach you about the basic rules of money and how money works. Thanks to the personal finance bloggers and YouTubers who bring this information out to the world's citizens. The Younger you can start investing, the better. So Use the link below to begin your investing journey in stocks and cryptocurrencies.
Do not Read Books
Reading is not a very common thing among young people. They instead prefer to scroll through TikTok and Instagram for hours and learn nothing. However, people forget that when you read a book, you are learning someone's whole life experience in just one book. If you want to become successful, you must train your mind to read because reading brings success. You can read personal finance, personal growth, and more books based on your passion. So, start reading books now if you want to become successful early on in life. You are lucky that you have this information at such a young age.
Not knowing to say NO
The words "NO and YES" sound are usually treated like as small, but they can ruin or save your life depending on the scenario. NO is probably the most critical word in the dictionary, and it's perhaps the reason why many people are poor. Knowing how to say "NO" can save you from many things, such as bad business deals and other situations where people want you to say YES to something that doesn't profit you anyhow.
Avoid bad friendships
Have you heard the saying, "Show me your friends, and I will tell you who you are"? You are the overage of 5 people you spend most of your time with. Choosing bad friends will more likely land you in jail or in other situations that would make you regret it for the rest of your life. We highly recommend that you dedicate your precious time to people who bring the best out of you. Let me ask you a question, do you ask your friends questions, or do they look up to you? If your answer is they look up to you, run because you are in the wrong company. You should spend most of your time with people who give you knowledge. Always seek people who know more than you do because that's how you grow to become successful. If your childhood friends are not holding you back, they are slowing you down.
Not Learn the basic rules of money
It is crazy how people live in a delusion world where they think some people are money geniuses while others were born to work for the rest of their lives. At Bako Invest, we believe that everyone should be able to become financially free and work only if they want to. Once you learn the basics of money, you realize that life is not as hard as we think.
For instance, when I was an employee back as a university student, I was very eager to learn how money works. However, I Couldn't find a way to make money other than working for others. One day, the professor mentioned the stock market and how people make a lot of money from it. I had zero ideas about what was the stock market. I went home and learned about it on YouTube, and I opened a brokerage account that same night. However, that account sat there for more than a year without any trading activities. Later in 2018, I started trading little by little. By 02/21/2021, I quit my job after understanding that there are more ways to make money than working for others. Since then, I started Bako Invest LLC, and I make more money than I did when I was an employee.
The message I'm trying to communicate with you is that you can become financially free quickly if you know how money works. It took me less than three years to become financially free because I took time to learn how money is made. If you take your time to learn the ins and outs of money, you will become financially free in less time than you would think.
In Conclusion
Life can be challenging, especially if you were born into a poor family like many. But you can reverse that financial curse by avoiding these ten things we listed in the article. If you learn and do the opposite of what the majority do, your success is guaranteed. Remember, life is not complicated; we complicate it.
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